
Types of Mushrooms and Health Benefits

Types of mushrooms
Types of mushrooms and health benefits - Who is not familiar with mushroom? It was tasty and chewy with lots of different shapes are presented in each cuisine. Here are the various kinds of mushroom and its benefits.

So far, we may often eat mushrooms but do not know more about the efficacy of this fungus as well as benefits. Fungi are plants that have a spore cell but do not have cholorophyll, and can live between biotic and abiotic stresses.

Some fungi safe to eat humans and even some medications are considered nutritious, such as mushroom, oyster mushroom, champignon and shiitake mushrooms. Example of the poisonous mushroom is amanita muscaria and also known as the "destroying angel"

There are also parasitic, meaning that harmful fungi or other organisms that are still living (plants, animals, or humans which are even so alive). The presences of the fungus are usually the cause of the disease or disorder.

mushrooms health benefits
types of mushrooms and health benefits

There are hundreds of types of fungi are classified as edible, but until now, only about 10 species have been cultivated commercially. One is a fungus that is a quite tasty mushroom. This type of mushroom has delicious flavor, savory, and not easily change its form if it is cooked, so it is used for a variety of cuisine.

Protein content of mushrooms is quite high, as well as calcium and phosphorus content. In addition, fungi have the digestibility of high and have fairly low fat content. Fat consists of free fatty acids mono ditriglieserida, sterols, and phoshpolipida.

Mushrooms are also a good source of vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, biotin and ascorbic acid. Vitamin A and D are rarely found in fungi, but the white oyster mushroom contained ergosterol that is precursors of vitamin D. Mushrooms are generally rich in minerals, especially phosphorus. Other minerals contained in between calcium and iron.

Some types of mushrooms as food ingredient

Black Truffle
Black Truffle, growing up in the soil near by the roots of large trees in the forests of Europe. It has irregular shape and clumping. The price is very expensive because there's only during certain seasons. Usually it served in a big restaurant across the world. Because it has a smell like the mud, so these mushrooms cannot be replaced by other mushroom.

White Oyster – Actually this oyster have a type of needle in accordance with the color of ash oyster, red oyster, yellow and white. The latter type is much favored by most people Asia. About the taste, no difference between white oyster mushrooms with others.

White Oyster
Shiitake is a type of mushroom that is widely used in Japanese and Chinese cuisine. This kind is also known as hioko. Have the efficacy to stimulate the growth of the immune system. Shitake mushrooms may also lower blood cholesterol levels. Even the shitake mushrooms are known as fungal drugs that have been potential as anti-tumor and anti-virus.

Maitake is the most popular mushroom in Japan that has anti-cancer properties? If it consumed regularly as foods that are accompanying tea, this kind can prevent certain cancers.

Enokitake mushrooms (enoki mushrooms) are fungi food with the body-shaped fruit of a long-term cultivation of white such as bean sprouts. Furthermore, known as bean sprouts mushrooms, winter mushrooms, or the golden needle mushrooms. In low temperate regions of the world, the fungus grows in the wild about low air temperatures begin to fall until early spring.

That’s types of mushrooms and health benefits, hopefully this article useful for you. Please leave your comments.


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