high-cholesterol levels. For those of us who have excessive cholesterol, you
should try to eat carrots because carrots can lower blood cholesterol levels.
Carrots also contain water, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins
(beta carotene, B1, and C) and Asparagine. Beta Carotene has benefits as
anti-oxidants that maintain health and prevent aging process.
Beta Carotene can prevent and suppress the growth of cancer cells. Eating
carrots which contain beta-carotene has been associated with decreased risk of
some cancers, especially lung cancer. Researchers in England found that
increased consumption of beta-carotene from 1.7 to 2.7 milligrams a day reduces
the risk of lung cancer more than 40 percent. Average carrot contains about
three milligrams of beta-carotene. In one study, researchers found that eating
fiber-rich carrots reduce the risk of colon cancer as much as 24 percent.
Another study also showed that women who eat raw carrots 5-8 times more likely
to develop breast cancer than women who do not eat carrots.
of carrots to lower cholesterol levels and hypertension
Prevent stroke. A
study showed that eating carrots at least five times a week can reduce the risk
of stroke. Efficacy as an anti-stroke is also caused by the activity of beta carotene
to prevent the occurrence of plaque or cholesterol deposits in blood vessels.
Beta carotene is the pigment most active, when compared with alpha and
Carrots can also treat hypertension; you can make juice and drunk regularly three times a day
for hypertension. Carrots are as well good to meet calcium needs in the body,
serves the needs of antioxidants, enhances immunity and smooth the skin. One again,
carrot juice can also cope with skin disorders such as acne, abscess and dry
So that's all about benefits
of carrots to lower cholesterol levels and hypertension. From this day forwards
take a look at the consumption of carrots regularly. Please leave your comments
and let me know.
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